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New Hampshire Smart Roads Project Gives a Peek at a Promising Future Insight Yes
IBTTA/TRB Joint Symposium Explores a Wave of Tolling Innovation Insight Yes
Mileage-Based User Fees, Managed Lanes Take Center Stage in Conference Board Committee Report Insight Yes
AET and Managed Lanes Symposium Brings Research and Practice Together Insight Yes
Time for a New Conversation on Tolling Insight Yes
Don’t Make Your Phone a Lethal Weapon on Memorial Day: Think Zero Deaths Insight Yes
‘All Options Are On the Table’: U.S. Senator Inhofe Insight Yes
Senate Testimony This Week Gives IBTTA Members a Seat at the Table Insight Yes
For Infrastructure Week 2017, All Solutions and Stories Are Local Insight Yes
Federal Tolling Program Looks for Greater Coordination, New Conversations with State Partners Insight Yes
Rating Agencies See Tolling on the Rise Insight Yes
Truckinginfo Post Shows Pathway for Freight Industry to Embrace Tolling Insight Yes
Maintenance and Roadway Operations Workshop Highlights New Asset Management Techniques, Technologies Insight Yes
Suburban Mayor Defends Tolling as British Columbia Election Heats Up Insight Yes
TIME Op Ed Tells the Story: We Get What We Pay For Insight Yes
How Tolling Helps Surface Transportation ‘Win the Peace’ Insight Yes
Smart Roads? Georgia Plans a Stretch of Road that is High Tech Insight Yes
Maintenance and Roadway Operations Workshop Stresses Safety, Innovation Insight Yes
IBTTA’s Transportation Visioning Summit Explores ‘Futures of Transportation’ Insight Yes
Ohio Drivers Consider New Technology on Toll Roads to Provide Greater Mobility Insight Yes